Wednesday, June 6, 2012


1.Choose 2 machines that you used in the fabrication of your desk tidy. With these machines in mind, outline WPH&S considerations that must be adhered to when using these machines. Include photographs of your chosen machines (OnGuard may be an excellent resource for this question).

Strip Heater
-Wear proper clothing
-do not touch the heating element of the strip heater
-do not leave strip heater unattended
-do not touch heated strip of plastic
-do not heat acrylic with paper/plastic cover still attached

Band Saw
-Wear proper clothing
-keep your hands and fingers atleast 3" away from the blade
-do not start machiene with blade touching the workpeice
-pay full attention to the machiene

2.The material you are using for your desk tidy is called Polymethylmethacrylate (ACRYLIC). It has specific properties and uses. Choose 2 other common polymers and in table form give their industrial name, common name, properties and uses.

Industrial Name
Common Name
Highley resilient synthetic rubber
Strong enough to replace metal and also flexable

3.Extrusion, injection moulding, compression moulding, vacuum forming and laminating are examples of common manufacturing processes used with polymers (Plastics). Choose one process and with the use of diagrams and bullet points outline the process.
Vacuum Forming
Vacuum Forming is a process where a piece of thermo plastic is heated and placed over a mould before being vacuumed around the mould, forming the shape of the mould.

4.Extension Work - Using processes acquired from your maths lessons, calculate the amount of acrylic sheet that your FINAL desk tidy represents. Show all calculations; answer needs to be in square metres. 

=920cm squared
therefore my whole desk tidy was 920cm squared of black acrylic

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